Babesiosis is an infectious tick-borne disease that comes from protozoa, which are microorganisms. There are over 100 species of Babesia, common in animals like deer, mice, horses, cats, and dogs. Only two strains of Babesia are known to infect humans. Recently, cases of babesiosis have more than doubled in some Northeastern states between 2011 and 2019. Many people who develop babesiosis are asymptomatic, while others experience flu-like symptoms (chills, sweats, and muscle aches). People with compromised immune systems or other risk factors are at risk of having severe or fatal cases. The disease was rare for decades in the United States but is now endemic in 10 states in the Northeast and the Midwest. Experts are trying to determine why cases are climbing.
New Studies Show the Meningitis Vaccine May Protect Against This Dreaded STI
Anyone who is sexually active is at risk of getting gonorrhea. Gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted infection (STI) that if left untreated can lead to serious and permanent health issues, including infertility. About 82.4 million people were newly infected with gonorrhea in 2020 alone. Contracting gonorrhea can have unpleasant symptoms, but it can be treated and even cured with antibiotics. However, with the growing number of cases, gonorrhea is becoming antibiotic-resistant. A vaccine specifically for gonorrhea doesn’t exist yet. But, recent studies suggest a side effect of meningitis vaccines guarding against gonorrhea.
A “Peter Pan” Chemical Could Stop Mosquitoes, Without Hurting Other Insects
Mosquitoes can be more than just a nuisance, as some can carry parasites and viruses like West Nile and dengue fever. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), mosquito-borne diseases cause around 725,000 deaths every year. Fortunately, there may be a solution to preventing these diseases altogether. Entomologist Naoki Yamanaka suggests chemically halting the maturation of mosquitoes. By preventing them from developing and mating, they won’t be able to spread viruses among humans. It’s an exciting possibility for improving public health.
Surprisingly Effective Ancient Remedies We Still Use Today
The marvels of modern-day medicine continue to grow as our capacity to create new technology and understand the human body marches forward. But despite this, some creative remedies have withstood the test of time because of their efficacy and simplicity. Some are used in tandem with other treatments, while some are even considered to be the go-to treatment for specific ailments.
Is Cholera a Threat in War-Torn Ukraine?
The war between Russia and Ukraine continues to be a bloody reality for many as Ukrainian cities remain the battlefield of choice. Many parts of the country have incurred so much damage that they’re unrecognizable. And after months of violent conflict, some have been reduced to piles of rubble and ash.
The Pharmacy of the Amazon Rainforest
The Amazon Rainforest is a natural wonder home to over 80,000 plant species in Brazil. Its nickname as “The World’s Largest Medicine Cabinet” is well-earned: around 25% of all drugs used in modern Western medicine are derived from Amazonian plants. What makes this even more miraculous is that less than 5% of all plant species in the Amazon rainforest have been tapped for their potential to create various cures.
Traveling With an Infant: Five Things To Know
When a new little bundle of joy enters your life, it changes everything in all the best ways. Everything they look at is brand new, and when you are traveling with an infant it is no different. They get to view the world for the first time through traveling. If you are an avid traveler that has recently had a child, there are some great tips below for traveling with them!
How to Avoid Harmful Plants
When camping or just hiking through ‘The Great Outdoors’, it’s important to know the plants that surround you. Some plants look very pretty, and may be tempting to reach out and touch, but doing so may cause harm. The three most common harmful plants are poison ivy, poison sumac and poison oak. These cause skin irritation, even more so if you are allergic to it.
It is important to know how to avoid these plants, especially if travelling abroad.
Does the Bubonic Plague Still Exist Today?
During the mid-1300’s, the bubonic plague was a deadly and devastating epidemic that affected Europe and Asia.
The plague arrived in spread through ships coming into port in Sicily. When the ships arrived, most of the crew were already dead, which earned the fleet the name “death ships.”
But, this was only the beginning of all the death that the Plague would bring. Within five years, the bubonic plague killed over 20 million people in Europe alone.
The use of quarantine would help control the spread of the Black Death, according to History. But, this doesn’t mean the bubonic plague has disappeared completely.
The Best Travel Cartoons For Jet-Setting Kids
One of the amazing things about exploring new places with children is that they are curious and eager to learn. They can absorb the history, culture, and flavors of the destinations, which can expand their imagination and knowledge in ways beyond their wildest dreams. As for entertainment, cartoons are one of the creative outlets that come with having a child. There are many fun cartoons that showcase travel, and we have compiled a list of some of them to share with you.