Tours can be an integral part of our vacations. They help us learn more about the country that we are visiting. Plus, they allow us to interact with other tourists, too. Now, while there are your standard tours, where you walk or ride around an area in order to find out more about where you are staying. But these tours are something, well, totally different. When we say different, we mean these are some really out-there tours that you are going to want you having to book your next trip.
Hong Kong’s ‘Sleeping Bus Tour’
This is just as every bit dreamy as it sounds. Hong Kong‘s “Sleeping Bus Tour” was created to make sure that passengers get enough sleep during their ride. It is absolutely great if you want to catch up on your rest. The tour kicks off at a restaurant where guests are served a two-course meal from a “Western menu,” in something they call a “Food Coma Lunch” – a sure way to get passengers nice and sleepy for their rest ahead. The five-hour bus ride takes travelers through 51.5 miles on a double-decker bus. Riders can snuggle in and sleep, enjoy some scenic sights as the bus goes by, or hop off at one of their various stops if you want to continue your nap back at your hotel.
Shanghai’s ‘Weird Meat Tour’
If you are more interested in the exotic foods of your destination, then Shanghai’s ‘Weird Meat Tour’ is exactly what you should check out. As the name states, the food is rather unique. You can munch on dragonflies and try out bumblebees. Not to mention there are plenty of duck tongues to enjoy. You can also feast upon scorpions on a stick, and even snakes. If you are an adventurous foodie, this trip is definitely is something that would make an extremely memorable trip.
Try South Africa’s Ice Cream
In Cape Town, South Africa lies an ice cream shop, run by a microbiologist turned ice cream maker. Tapi Tapi is a stop that you don’t want to miss during your trip to South Africa. The owner serves up a wide variety of flavors, especially some local recipes. You can try some rondo ice cream. Rondo is a type of edible clay that pregnant women around the region eat. There is also bitter leaf, baobab and many more to try. You can even try your own hand at making ice cream on Mondays, where the owner will gladly show you the ropes of his ice cream making process.
Wherever you choose to go, there are always hidden gems and fun and strange tours that you can take!
Planning a trip to a weird locale? Make sure you’re protected with immunizations and advice from Passport Health. Call or book online to schedule your appointment today.
Jennifer Passmore is a stay-at-home mom, writer and beader. She loves creating art with her words and through her jewelry. She is also a passionate mental health advocate. You can find more writing at her website Positivity In Pain.