There is nothing quite like getting out into nature and going on a hike. You can find amazing animals and beautiful plants and flowers along the way. Not to mention some great views depending on where you are hiking. It’s important to be prepared before you embark on a hike. Here are some of the essential items needed when you are hiking abroad.
A Good Fitting Backpack
A backpack is absolutely essential for hiking. This is where you will be storing the bulk of the items that you’ll need while you are on your hike. If you choose a backpack that is too big or too small, you may spend the bulk of your hike being uncomfortable. It is important to consider your body type when you are purchasing a backpack.
One other thing that you want your backpack to have is an abundance of pockets. There are tons of different little items that you may want to bring, from toiletries to snacks, make sure that you have enough room in your backpack for everything that you plan on bringing with you.
A Comfortable Pair Of Hiking Shoes
Hiking is all about walking, and having the right shoes makes all of the difference. To assure that you find the right kind of shoe that fits correctly for you, you may want to visit a local shoe store. They will be knowledgeable about how the shoe should fit your foot, and what kind of shoe to get. You want to make sure that they are comfortable for you, yet can withstand hiking adventures, too. You will want to assure that they are also waterproof, just in case you have to cross small streams and brooks.
The last thing that you want to become while hiking is dehydrated. That is why it is always important to make sure that you have a water bottle with you at all times. Collapsible ones work well for hiking. If you get a water bottle that has a filter built right into it, you can easily take water from any source and be able to drink it. If you’re not comfortable with that though, just make sure you pack extra water, you never know if the hike will take longer than planned.
First Aid Kit
Just in case of any small mishaps, cuts, scraps and bruises, you are covered with a travel first-aid kit. It doesn’t have to be something huge. But, you will want to make sure that you are prepared. The kit should contain items:
- Bandages of varying sizes
- Gauze
- Medical tape
- Knife, or multi-tool
- A splint
- Tweezers
- Antibiotic ointment for scrapes
The list goes on. When you are packing your first aid kit, make sure that it contains at least these items, if not more.
Planning a trip abroad? Make sure you are protected with vaccinations, repellents and more from Passport Health. Call or book online to schedule your appointment today.
Jennifer Passmore is a stay-at-home mom, writer and beader. She loves creating art with her words and through her jewelry. She is also a passionate mental health advocate. You can find more writing at her website Positivity In Pain.